Chinese pianist Jie Yuan’s talent as a musician has been recognized both on the performance stage and by his home country. Appointed “National Arts Youth Ambassador of China” and “Artist of the Year” by the China State Council, Mr. Yuan has performed with orchestra and in recital throughout all five continents.

Mr. Yuan has performed with more than 30 orchestras, including the China Philharmonic Orchestra, Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra, Real Orquesta Sinfónica de Sevilla, Orchestre Philarmonique de Nice, Orchestre des Champs-Élysées, Haydn Chamber Orchestra, Morocco Royal Philharmonic, National Symphony Orchestra of Cuba, and the Shanghai Philharmonic. He has given solo recitals in Alice Tully Hall, Symphony Hall in Seattle, Bass Performance Hall in Fort Worth, Abravanel Hall in Salt Lake City, the Salle Cortot in Paris, National Performance Center and Grand Theater in Beijing, Culture Center and City Hall in Hong Kong, Oriental Performing Center in Shanghai, Saalbau Essen and Hessisches Staatstheater Wiesbaden in Germany, Teatro Monumental in Madrid, Caddebostan Cultural Center in Istanbul, Seoul National Concert Hall, and Tokyo’s Shibuya Public Hall, among others.

On the competition circuit, Mr. Yuan has earned numerous prizes and awards, including the Gold Medal of the Carl Bechstein Competition in 2007; second prize in the Shanghai International Piano Competition in 2008; second prize and four special prizes in the Casagrande International Piano Competition in 2014; the Gold Medal in the Hong Kong International Open Piano Competition in 2003; the Gold Medal in the Crescendo International Music Competition in 2006; first prize in the Seattle International Piano Competition in 2009; andtop prizes at the Ferruccio Busoni Competition in Bolzano, the Gina Bachauer Competition in Salt Lake City and the Hamamatsu Competition in Japan.

Mr. Yuan has performed by invitation for Zemin Jiang, President of China; Jiabao Wen, Prime Minister of China; Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia; Jacques Chirac, President of France, and Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of Russia. In the 2014-2015 season Mr. Yuan performs throughout China as well as in the United States, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Cuba, Australia, Korea, and Colombia.