Core Musicianship Teacher, The Yehudi Menuhin School Qingdao

Young UK-based Violist

Bachelor’s Degree, Taipei National University of the Arts

Master’s Degree, Royal Academy of Music (RAM), UK


Liao Huiwen completed her undergraduate studies at the Taipei National University of the Arts, majoring in viola with a minor in piano, under the tutelage of the internationally renowned viola educator and performer Yuko Inoue. Following her bachelor's degree, she pursued a master's degree in viola at the Royal Academy of Music (RAM) in London.


Liao Huiwen has performed extensively across the globe. From 2014 to 2016, she toured with the Taipei Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and Bachanalia Taiwan Chamber Orchestra. In 2017, she shared the stage in London with the celebrated conductor Semyon Bychkov, Principal Conductor of the Cologne New Philharmonic Orchestra. Between 2018 and 2019, she was invited to collaborate with prominent UK orchestras, including the Eastbourne Concert Orchestra, St Alban Symphony Orchestra, and Sussex Symphony Orchestra, performing numerous classical symphonic works.


Liao Huiwen holds the Licentiate of the Royal Academy of Music (LRAM) teaching qualification. With extensive teaching experience, she has served as a sectional tutor in various primary and secondary school orchestras and has been involved in planning and teaching music and arts camp activities. Notably, she designed and led a specialised arts camp programme for children with autism.